Author(s): Dr. Rizwana Abbasi
Author(s): Dr. Tughral Yamin
Keyword(s): India, Pakistan, Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNW)
Author(s): Abdul Basit
Author(s): Dr. Manzoor Ahmad
Keyword(s): Agreement, Barriers, India, Liberalization, Pakistan, Regional, South Asia, Trade
Author(s): Dr. Zafar Khan
Author(s): Dr Noor ul Haq
Keyword(s): Rajiv Dogra, Borders Bleed, Insider’s Account, IndoPak Relations
Author(s): Muhammad Munir
Keyword(s): Christopher Coker, Improbable War, China, United States, Continuing Logic, Great Power Conflict
Author(s): Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal
Keyword(s): Joseph S. Nye Jr, American Century, America's Superpower Status
Author(s): Saman Zulfqar
Keyword(s): Mark Fitzpatrick, Overcoming Pakistan’s, Nuclear Dangers
Author(s): Gulshan Bibi
Keyword(s): Carlotta Gall, Wrong Enemy, America, Afghanistan
Author(s): Khalid Chandio
Keyword(s): Sandra Walklate, Gabe Mythen, Contradictions of Terrorism, Security, risk, resilience
Author(s): Muhammad Nawaz Khan
Keyword(s): Ekaterina Balabanova, Media, Human Rights, Cosmopolitan Promise
Author(s): Nousheen Ashraf
Keyword(s): Glenn Greenwald, No Place to Hide, Edward Snowden, NSA, Surveillance State
Author(s): Fawad Haider