The Islamic civilization is pro-human, universal and unprejudiced in its approach and spirit. That’s why, the Muslims adopted all the beneficial elements from the other pre-Islamic civilizations which were not contrary to the spirit of Islam. They adopted the policy of benefit from cultural heritages and keep their essential elements updated. Consequently, the useful elements of the Greek, Roman, Persian, Egyptian, Indian, Chinese and other important civilizations were adopted, updated and made part and parcel of Islamic civilization through process of innovation and creativity. The Abbasids era of this civilization played a key role in its promotion and integration. The adoption from a variety of local cultures brought about a great revolution in the Islamic Civilization. Educational institutions were established and the necessary measures were taken to contextualize and translate the arts and sciences from other cultures into Arabic. The present research article has been written to meet the need of study of Abbasids contribution in cultural advancement in an innovative manner. The article proceeds with introduction, importance and background of the study. It is followed by description of fundamental concepts of Islamic civilization and its evaluation. The second part of the study explains factors behind the process of adaptation during the period of Bani Abbas. The third part of the study discusses various manifestation of civilizational adaptation from other civilizations and its innovation through adding creativity, while conclusion includes the outcome of the study.
Abbasids, Cultural Advancement, Innovation, Islam, Islamic Civilization.