The Almighty Allah has created this universe and He knows the best about the characteristics of each and every thing. Those things, which are good and useful, have been declared permissible (Halal) and those which are unsafe, harmful and untidy, have been termed as prohibited (Haram) by Him. However, chemical and physical change in a permissible thing may lead to prohibition in specific conditions. Due to industrial revolution, a large number of utility items and edibles are being manufactured in factories. Generally, Gelatin is used in the production of medicines, ice cream and sweets; which is obtained from animals. As far as the case of western or Non-Muslim countries is concerned, Gelatin is gained from the prohibited animals such as pig which is strictly forbidden in Islamic course of law. Common source of Gelatin is the hides and bones of the “pig” which go through a chemical process known as “Tanning”. In Islamic jurisprudence, tanning can be done either by using chemicals or by using natural methods of drying through air, sunlight and dust. In the following paper, the current process of tanning the hides of permissible and forbidden animals will be discussed in order to elaborate the status of permissibility or prohibition in the viewpoint of various jurists. Similarly, the by-products, obtained during the process of tanning, shall also be debated in detail and suggestions for improvement will be presented.