Research is an essential and vital part of university education now days. Universities are source of establishing new perceptions. It is a critical determination for financial improvement in the twenty first century and has turned out to be progressively vital in the university setting. The main purpose of the study was to find out the institutional factors of teachers regarding their research productivity. This study was quantitative in nature. Survey method was used to collect data from the respondents. Sample of study consisted of two hundred and ninety seven male and female teachers from public sector universities. A self-developed Likert type scale was used for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used to analyze the data. From descriptive statistics (frequencies, mean, and standard deviation) and in inferential statistics (t-test and One Way ANOVA) were applied to get the results. The findings indicated that appreciation and encouragement by the head of department positively influences the teachers’ research publications. It also revealed that research papers are a condition for promotion in universities and extra administrative duties affects research productivity of teachers. It is recommended that research oriented culture may provide to teachers because it encourage and attract them to engage in research and to enhance their performance by conducting research.