This survey study was designed to evaluate students’ achievement in Geometry part of Mathematics at the secondary level in Punjab, Pakistan. A sample of the study was 40 schools and 392 students selected by multistage sampling from Punjab including five districts. The tool of the study that was a standardized test of Geometry having 48 multiple choice test items of knowledge, comprehension and application levels according to the levels of cognitive domains from the content of geometrical part of Mathematics for class 9th taught in Punjab, Pakistan. Results indicated that students were better in rote memorization related exercises in comparison to performing comprehension and application-based tasks. The students who had achieved more than 80% marks in 9th class board examination of Mathematics attained poor marks in the standardized Geometry test. Comparative analysis of students’ scores concluded that girls and urban students were best than all. Regarding the teachers’ work experience this study found that teachers with experience of above 16 years working in schools could not help learners to attain better scores in the test. This study suggests improving the geometry teaching in schools and promoting use of standardized tests in Board examinations in the Mathematics.
Mathematics, achievement, geometry learning, standardized test, Secondary Education