
An experiment was executed to assess the relative zinc (Zn) efficiencies of advanced wheat lines in chelate-buffered hydroponic culture solutions and field conditions. Zinc efficiency was evaluated by comparing their dry matter production in a Zn-deficient medium relative to that in a Zn sufficient medium. Zinc efficiency (ZE) of 10 genotypes varied between 26.7 to 70.4% in chelate buffered nutrient solution but it was escalated from43.6 to 75.8% when grown in field. The NRL-0517 was the most efficient genotype whereas NRL-1243 was the least efficient. The Zn efficient genotypes had the capability to grab more Zn from low Zn source and translocate it in greater amount to the entire plant. The results also suggested that antagonistic effect between Zn and other elements (like P) was weaker in Zn efficient genotypes which enabled Zn to move at higher ratio from roots to shoot. Zn- inefficient genotypes had extracted lesser Zn from Zn deficient medium and ratio of its translocation was also lower with strong antagonism with other elements.