Previous research demonstrates significant influences of emotional intelligence on various aspects of students’ socio-behavioristic and academic learning. However, little attention was paid to figure out forming factors of students’ emotional intelligence. In the current study, we attempted to fill this literature gap. We followed ability model of emotional intelligence in the study. Primary purpose of this research was to examine the personal and social wellbeing of adolescents as founding factors of their emotional intelligence. Wong and Law emotional intelligence scale (WLEIS), multidimensional students’ life satisfaction scale (MSLSS) and students’ attitude towards school survey (SATSS) were used to collect the required data. 710 randomly selected students of 11 to 16 years age group participated in the study. Findings demonstrate significant correlations among different aspects of the students’ emotional intelligence, life satisfaction and attitude towards school. Stepwise multiple regression analysis reveals that students’ morale, satisfaction with self and satisfaction with school are major predictors of their emotional intelligence.
Connectedness, Living environment, morale, Satisfaction, school, Students