Riddles have great importance in the development of child’s personality. Among other things, they affect the development of the lingual competence, give plenty of material for speech development, accurate articulation of speech sounds and words, enrich the students’ vocabulary, influence the students’ self-regulating expression, and, of course, have many other educational purposes. Bearing in mind the importance of riddles in the educational process, this paper first analyses the Macedonian language teaching curriculum and Macedonian language textbooks intended for teaching and learning the Macedonian language in the first cycle of the nine-year primary education, regarding the pedagogic function of the riddles, their (un) satisfactory number, and their accordance with the students’ age. Then, a survey among the teachers who teach Macedonian language in the first cycle of the nine-year primary education was carried out in order to have an insight of their attitudes toward the presence of the riddles in the curriculum and the textbooks, and their approach toward riddles in their everyday educational practice. The research has qualitative (content analysis) and quantitative paradigm, and descriptive design. The sample consists of the Macedonian language-teaching curriculum, the Macedonian language textbooks for the first cycle of the nine-year primary education, and of 100 teachers who teach Macedonian language in the first cycle of the nineyear primary education. Analysis, synthesis and comparison are the methods used for processing the data and gaining conclusion. The approaches of the teachers were collected through survey. The results of the research indicate that there is a need of more serious approach toward the riddles from the persons responsible for writing the curriculum and the textbooks in order for the riddle to keep their pedagogic function.