Social media can be used for educational purposes: people help the others in their homework and exchange ideas, are informed about their grades and lecture notes. Facebook is one of the social media tools too. The aim of this study is to develop a likert-type scale, namely social studies education with Facebook (SSEF), about the attitudes of teachers towards the use of Facebook in education.The study was designed as an eclectic research and employed both qualitative and quantitative data. The participants of the study were 202 classroom teachers. To develop the scale item analysis, confirmatory and explanatory factor analysis were used, and the Cronbach's Alphacoefficient was calculated. It was found that the SSEF is consisted of seven dimensions (cultural inheritance, our country and the world, occupations and production, science and society, social responsibility and citizenship, general items, evaluative items) and 37 items. The overall Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was found to be .98, indicating that the scale had higher levels of reliability. On the other hand, at the end of the implementation of the scale the findings obtained showed that the variables of gender, age, educational level, professional experience did not have significant effects on the dimensions on the scale. However, the variable of professional experience significantly affected the scores for the dimensions of our country and the world, occupations and production, social responsibility and citizenship, general items and evaluative items. More specifically, those classroom teachers with 1-5 yearsand 21+ years of professional experience had higher scores in the dimensions mentioned above.