
Culture thrives on the successful transmission of the values from one generation to the next. Social capital is the backbone of all the cultures, and it determines the pace and direction of all such value transmission mechanism. Family unit being the building block of the society provides the bedrock of such transmission and help in sustaining social capital across generations. This study focuses on the role of gender in such transmissions. The study finds that female’s family social capital is stronger than that of males. Similarly the extended model with mediating variables show that parental religious trait play greater role in cementing the family ties for females’ whereas it was not significant for the male’s data. Regarding general trust for females the findings of the study suggest that trust upon friends and extended relative along with the parental support of social contacts is the only source of extending trust to the unknowns by females. The organizational participation estimates show that the impact is significant for both male and females data but for the male data organizational relationship has turned out to be stronger than that of females. For females organizational participation the variable of parental religious traits has appeared with negative sign showing more religious parents would tend to reduce females organizational participation.