In the law of Almighty Allah that whenever the land of Allah and khilafat is established learned Islamic scholars are sent to preach message of Allah and to rectify the socio activities of the people. This is also Sunnah of Almighty Allah to choose his messengers for the guidance and instruction of his creation in every era. Although this process has stopped now so Saints of Allah has been advised who are striving for the betterment of mankind one better society is established as a result of the efforts of these aulia Allah who remain busy and worried for the guidance of humanity according to the teaching of Allah. They are called Aullia Allah, who are always busy in preaching the teaching of Islam and conveying the message of Allah to his people in different means and connect them to thier creator (Allah). They aullia Allah who follow the teaching of Holy prophet and persuade the humanity to the right path and guidance.
Religious, Educational, Social Impacts, Aulia Allah on Society