
This paper will examine in detail how the vision of regional connectivity in Europe got an impetus and as a source of inspiration in other parts of the world including South, Central and West Asia. Why the two regional organisations South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO), despite ambitious plans for regional cooperation and connectivity, have been unable to transform their vision into a reality? This paper will also analyse prospects and impediments in forging regional connectivity in the three Asias. What lessons can be learned by the leaders of Central, South and West Asia from the experience of Europe in transforming their conflict and violent-ridden continent into a peaceful and stable place. Taking the thread from there, the paper will also examine how Pakistan can benefit from regional connectivity in terms of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline and Central Asia, South Asia (CASA) energy corridor. The challenges of connectivity in the three Asias will be examined analytically and with a critical thinking in this paper.