The rapid urbanisation has become a burning challenge across the developing countries of the world for the last four decades. The population pressure on the cities has caused many problems like environmental pollution, sanitation, education, health, traffic level and housing etc. In this context, housing is one of the most important issues related to urbanisation. Slums are reflected as the carbuncle in cities and looked extemporaneously and arbitrarily [Shafqaat, et al. (2013). The share of world urban population was 32 percent in 1950, it rose up to 39 percent in 1980 and 48 percent in 2000, which reflects that 3 out of 10 people were living in cities in 1950. In 2011, about half of the world population was living in the big cities and at the end of the third decade of this century; that make up the formation as 6 out of 10 people [World Bank (1999)]. Pakistan‘s town populace is fixed to become identical to its rural population in the year 2030. This needs for an effective urban planning instrument to confirm universal distribution of simple municipal amenities, regulator of the spread of slums, reducing of effluence and the control of crime and political might [Khan, et al. (2012)].