In the present time, universities, education regulators, and teachers are involved in many discussions on how to best prepare engineers for future jobs in the industry. This has led to the development of many approaches to teaching methodologies to better impart theoretical and practical knowledge to students to equip them with skills for their future. A very popular approach in this regard is the use of Blooms Taxonomy which describes three areas of learning, Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. The Cognitive area that concerns the recognition of information, skills, and concepts for the development of knowledge and abilities, the Affective domain which deals with the emotional growth and feelings and the Psychomotor domain which tends to the development of physical skills. The use of online tools to teach courses in various disciplines has gained popularity in the past decade. This paper traces IICT studentâs evaluation utilizing Bloom's Taxonomy. Test questions are given and arranged by the Noteworthy Bloom's Taxonomy levels.
Bloom's taxonomy, Cognitive Domain, IICT students, assessment