
Since its inception on the map of the world, Pakistan’s Foreign policy has been facing grim challenges. Undeniably, the challenges of the 21st century have imperilled Pakistani state and its foreign policy. Specifically, in an international context; the event of 9/11 and its aftermath; globalization; international terrorism; drone strikes in FATA and in domestic context; extremism and economic decline have added to the ineffectiveness of foreign policy. Pakistan has been projected by the international community and the media to be the hub of terrorism. This research paper will unfold the foreign policy of Pakistan, certain characteristics that imperil various aspects of it and specifically the foreign policy of Pakistan in the 21st century with regard to the U.S. after the twin towers event in 2001 and its ominous pitfalls for the federally administrated tribal areas (FATA) of Pakistan. Finally, it will provide with doable options for tailoring sustained, efficacious and progressive foreign policy of Pakistan in regional and international context.


PakistanForeign PolicyFATA9/112001War on terror