
“The married life’ rules, in Islam are strong and in synchronization with standing human nature. In deliberation of the physiological and psychological set-up of man and woman, both have equivalent rights and privileges on one another, excluding for one responsibility, that of leadership. This is a difficulty which is natural in any shared life and which is reliable with the nature of man. Man has the right of giving divorce to his wife, and woman has the right to ask for Khula from husband if she is not happy with her husband. Although divorce is allowed in Islam but it is still considered most disliked in Islam and in the sight of Allah. Hence it is really need for several studies to evaluate and sum-up the factors leading towards divorce in Muslim families. The foremost objective of the present study is to explore psycho-social and cultural factors leading towards divorce in Muslim women. The field based exploratory type of study uses the quantitative method of research and has been weighted from data collection. A structured interview schedule was used as tool for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques and scientific hypothesis were used for the purpose of result’s interpretation. The research results indicate that lack of mutual co-ordination among married couples was the most cited cause of divorce.”


WomanDivorceFamilycausative factorsMuslim