
The Holy Quran is the book from Allah Almighty revealed on the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Its contents and teachings are proof of its status as revealed one. The Orientalists raised many questions on its status as revealed from Almighty Allah. First of all, they tried to prove that the Quran was not a revealed book and no revelation was received by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Holy Quran was a creation of Muhammad, or it belonged to the teaching of previous holy books or someone taught him. When they failed to prove these arguments, they attacked on the status of revelation. They created the stories of pigeon, Ox and epilepsy etc. But later on they were ashamed themselves on those self-created fake stories. In modern era, some of them have accepted that the Quran is a revealed book and Muhammad (SAW) received it through revelation but Muhammad’s contribution cannot be ignored in its text and contents. Kenneth Cragg, a renowned Christian scholar, Anglican Bishop and writer of many books on Islam like, The Call of the Minaret, Muhammad and the Christian, Muhammad in the Quran, The Quran and the west, Mind of the Quran, The events of the Quran, etc, is one of them. He accepted that the Quran is a reveled and protected book but human involvement is also there. He says that Muhammad is a partner in the Quran, the language of Muhammad (SAW) and the Quran is same, so we can say that Muhammad is the prophet of Quran and the revelation of the Quran is like Incarnation as Jesus is an incarnated word of God. In this article it is concluded that the observations of Kenneth cragg are not based on facts. The source of revelation is far from human access. Revelation came to prophet in an extraordinary and protected way and there is no similarity between revelation and incarnation.