
Allah has endowed his Prophets with matchless Miracles. Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon him was bestowed with the miracle of the holy Quran along with it he was also awarded with many other miracles “The Night journey and Ascension to heaven “is one of these . The inclusion of the story of this miracle in literary genres of the east and west bases this research article: The endeavors of the poets of the subcontinent encoding the story of” the Night journey and Ascension to Heaven” in Arabic language founds its way here: This is a proven fact that sub-continent has been a fertile soil for learning and development of literary genres in their local dialects. The inter action of Arabic language with the local languages added more fertility and creativity to it for flourishing more forcefully. This article is a simple effort to raise the curtain from an Arabic poetic treasure clandestine in astounding sub-continent – not known to most of the existing literary circles around us. This may open up a new panorama to view these poetic gems of the subcontinent garlanding “ME`RAJ NABVI”. It may be a pleasant glimpse of poesy to the yearning eyes and a relishing delight for the thirsty souls.