
Pakistan, in terms of its physical and psycho-social environment, is one of the most vulnerable states in the world. Since its independence in 1947, it has struggled to achieve socio-economic stability, internal and external security and good governance. However, extremism, bad governance, authoritarianism and lack of tolerance are the hallmarks of Pakistani polity since many decades. This study is based upon the framework of analysis developed by Jared Diamond in his various historical studies. His framework encompasses the evolution and development of trajectories of progress in human existence on the basis of available compulsions and opportunities offered by geography, environment and historical experiences. The present paper tries to explore the causes of the ills of Pakistani society by tracing their origins in geography, history and the traumatic events which have contributed in shaping the character and outlook of the people and the state of Pakistan. Some of relevant analogies have been drawn from the national characters of few other nations too which have passed through the same historical experiences or locked in geographical barriers as are being faced by Pakistan.