
Present study aimed to establish the psychometric properties of Urdu Translation of Organizational Commitment Questionnaire_x0002_Revised Version (OCQ-R; Meyer, Allen, & Smith, 1993). This process completed in three phases. Phase-I comprised of forward_x0002_backward translations and then its linguistic equivalence was estimated with English version of OCQ-R on a group of bilingual respondents (N = 45). In Phase-II, reliability estimation of OCQ_x0002_RV including alpha coefficient index, split half, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was calculated on a sample of 360 respondents (165 men, 195 women) with age range between 25-40 years. Further, OCQ-R test re-test reliability was checked with one-week interval over 42 respondents. All indexes were calculated were found to be significant. In Phase III, OCQ-R validity estimation was established over sample of 310 participants using Urdu version of Job Satisfaction Survey (Spector, 1985), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) and Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form (Petrides & Furnhm, 2006) along with OCQ-R. Findings showed that Urdu version of OCQ-R demonstrated significant positive correlation with Urdu version of Job Satisfaction Survey, Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale and Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. It was concluded that Urdu version of OCQ-R showed sound psychometric properties and emerged as a culturally valid, reliable, and acceptable tool.