
The present study focused on measuring the moderating effect of perceived organizational support on the relationship between perceived organizational politics, affective commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior. It was assumed that higher perception of organizational support would dampen the relationship of perceived organizational politics with affective commitment of the employees with their organization and their organizational citizenship behavior. Perceived organizational politics was measured using Perceptions of Organizational Politics Scale (Kacmar and Carlson, 1997); perceived organizational support was measured through Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchison, and Sowa, 1986); affective commitment was measured through Affective Commitment Subscale (Allen and Meyer, 1990); while, organizational citizenship behavior was measured through Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moorman, and Fetter, 1990). Sample of the study (N = 169) included male and female employees from cellular and banking organizations. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that perceived organizational support significantly moderated the negative relationship between perceived organizational politics and affective commitment, while, it did not moderate the relationship between perceived organizational politics and organizational citizenship behavior. Overall, the study demonstrated perceived organizational support as an important factor in maintaining the affective commitment of employees in organizations with higher levels of organizational politics.