
The enrollment of international students in higher education institutes (HEI) in Pakistan is increasing nowadays. The purpose of this study was to explore the academic experiences of international students in the natural setting of HEI. Human behaviors are subjective in nature; so this study used interpretative research paradigm to gain insight into the individual education experience in HEI. This study used a qualitative approach to understand the meanings of the student’s experiences in their own words. This study adopted convenient sampling to select international students in HEI and used semi-structured interview guide to explore their experiences related to academics, psychological issues, and society. This study used N-Vivo 11 Plus and derived two main themes; first academic challenge and second are psychological issues. The academic challenge consisted of three sub-themes like; academic progress, parent-teacher meetings, and the role of teacher. Similarly, psychological issues constituted on confusion, homesickness, and depression. The results revealed that 75 times students repeated that they were facing many academic obstructions in Pakistan and 56 times they discussed their psychological issues. Moreover, students repeatedly documented that their academic progress had been deteriorated and their grades had been worsened. Moreover, teacher behavior is biased towards international students because of a lack of communication between teachers and parents. Furthermore, international students feel homesickness, depression, and confusion in the absence of their family.