
As in International Politics there are no permanent friends and enemies, the only permanent thing is National interest which relies on regional and international conditions. It is the national Interests, which shapes the external policy of any state. The significance of this research paper is that it helps in understanding the importance of national interests in influencing the foreign policies of states, as Pakistan and China have different history, language, cultures and ideology yet they emerged as reliable and strong allies of each other. The national interests set their goals and directions as a result, Pakistan-China friendship evolved as an incomparable phenomenon which sustained not only during changes of governments, but also during the ups and downs in regional and international changing situations. Pakistan-China relations are flourishing and to understand its potential implications it must be considered in a wider context outside the realm of South Asia and even Central Asia. Keeping in view the future of Pakistan-China relations its significance and relevance in international politics are expanding and it seems to play dynamic role in the Gulf and African regions. Pakistan-China relations became so much multi-dimensional even US cannot ignore its worth in international politics. This article mainly examines how in anarchic order Pakistan-China stabilizes their position and has increased their significance and relevance for even a state like US. This article articulates how and why Pakistan-China relations became an irritant factor for US in various phases of global politics, likewise it also explores how it even appears as the convenient factor for US.