
The importance of competitive advantage has extended from manufacturing and services to education industry as it is crucial for their survival and growth. Knowledge management is considered integral element to attain competitive advantage, particularly in the knowledge driven economy. However, past studies provide inconclusive results about the essentiality of knowledge management processes for attaining the competitive advantage. Therefore, this study empirically examines the moderating effect of collaboration and top management’s support on the relationship between knowledge acquisition and competitive advantage in public higher education institutions of Pakistan. The data were collected through self- administered and email questionnaires which were distributed to the faculty members working at the managerial positions in the Public Sector Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan(PHEIs).Total176 questionnaireswere duly completed. Hence, they were used for the final analysis. The PLS-SEM was employed for the testing of hypotheses. The results for the hypotheses reveal that knowledge acquisition has a significant and positive effect on CA. Yet, the moderating effect of collaboration on the relationship between knowledge acquisition and CA remained insignificant. On the other hand, the moderating effect of top management support on the relationship between knowledge acquisition and CA has been found as significant and negative.