There are very few prominent personalities like Maulana Zafar Ali Khan who possessed a number of qualities of head and heart in one person. He was graduated from Aligarh Muslim University, founded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, worked in various capacities in a number of Muslim states like that of the Hyderabad Deccan State, inherited the widely needed field of journalism from his father from Wazirabad, played active role in Muslim politics since 1906 when he participated in the founders’ meeting of the All India Muslim League, resorted to journalism as Chief Editor of Zaminadar, most popular Urdu newspaper of his times. After the death of his father in 1908, he became a prominent parliamentarian, and significant writer, poet and leader of the Pakistan movement. Amongst the Urdu newspapers and journals, his Zamindar played a prominent part in popularizing the cause of Pakistan especially in areas of the Punjab, NWFP (now KPK), Sindh and Baluchistan. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan played a vital role during a crucial period of the subcontinent’s history that was marked with turmoil. The man with extraordinary abilities ranging from oratory to poetry and from politics to journalism is mainly acknowledged as the father of Urdu journalism. Due to his extraordinary talent, he got prominence among the galaxy of political leaders of the time. He was the champion of the Muslim unity and brotherhood all over the world. He became associated with the All India Muslim League since its inception and attended various sessions. During the Khilafat Movement, he played a prominent role particularly as the President of the Punjab Khilafat Committee. Like other Muslim leaders of the subcontinent he also got frustrated with the disunity amongst the Muslim leaders and organizations during late 1920s and early 1930s which compelled him to found his Majlis-i-Ittehad-i-Millat in 1935 which soon spread into various districts of the Punjab and other neighboring provinces.