
Pakistan is highly exposed to increasing threats of climate crisis. Despite growing climatic pressures nationwide, the climate coping mechanisms of the country are extremely weak. This study analyses the process of climate change mainstreaming into Pakistan’s national policy processes by deploying the Action on Climate Today (ACT) Framework consisting three pillars: the entry points, enabling environment and political economy drivers. This is blended with the theoretical assumptions of New_x0002_Institutionalism that helps in examining key institutional and policy responses to climate change at all governmental levels of Pakistan. It argues that the mainstreaming of climate change into Pakistan’s national, provincial, and sectoral socio-economic development policies, planning and implementation processes will enhance the country’s resilience against growing climatic challenges. There is meager literature on mainstreaming climate change on Pakistan and this study attempts to fill this gap. The study maps vulnerabilities, challenges and options of mainstreaming climate in planning and policy making of the country. It concludes that despite setting national and international goals regarding climate resilience, there remains an extensive gap between legislative aims and implementation of national policies in Pakistan that needs to be addressed.