Progress of China‘s economic development continues to be welcomed all around the world. However, the world‘s second largest economy is witnessing problems at home. The coming decade is going to keep China occupied with less of what happens around the world and more concerned with its three major issues of environmental problems, demographic challenges and political legitimacy. While China has been able to strongly address problems of air pollution and health through introduction of environmental institutes and courts, many enhancements in its Environmental Protection Law (EPL) can be made for improving the environment. As for its demographic challenges including an aging population, the country needs to work on a social security system through which the elderly can be enriched for serving in the country‘s social engagements. Lastly, if China‘s Communist Party (CCP) wants to overcome its problems of political legitimacy and internal stresses, the party would have to work towards guaranteeing judicial independence, deepen its economic reforms and be welcoming to the idea of inclusiveness, in which non-party members of the society have a say in the decision-making process.
China‘s Communist Party, Environment, Demographics, Political Legitimacy, Society.