
The study is part of a series of studies conducted to determine the influences of work-life balance practices on job satisfaction and organizational commitment at the University of Peshawar. This paper addresses the same issue across genders. In Pakistan both genders are experiencing work-life conflicts. Organizations are trying to provide supportive work environments as without such support employees face difficulties in resolving work to life and life to work conflicts. These days, Pakistani organizations are also in line with other countries to bring work-life balance among employees by introducing flexible timings, child care, residences at workplaces, part-time work, children’s education facilities, and health facilities, like other countries. Without doubt, this is a promising trend and employees are positively responding to it. The University of Peshawar is an institution providing abundant welfare and flexible policies for bringing work-life balance; employees are taking full advantage of it. This study focuses on gender and marital status-based difference in the perception of work-life balance (WLB) through policies in place at the University of Peshawar with the aim of finding its effects on job satisfaction (JS) and organizational commitment (OC).The results show that there is no significant difference in the perception of work-life balance gender wise, and both male and female teachers are fully utilizing the welfare and flexible policies of the University of Peshawar to bring balance in their work and life. Results also show that there is significant difference in the job satisfaction of both the genders but no significant difference in their organizational commitment. The paper recommends the provision of such work life balance facilities at other institutions of Pakistan so that employees can balance their lives and perform well at their workplaces.