
This study was conducted to analyze the impact of teacher acceptance or rejection on the study habits and academic achievement of school students. The sample of two hundred students of tenth class was recruited from the Government schools of Hyderabad city. The age of the participants was 15-17 years. Data were collected after taking permission from school administration and parents. Study habits inventory (SHAI) and teacher acceptance-rejection scale (TARQ) were administered on the participants. It was assumed that perceived teacher acceptance-rejection would be correlated significantly with the study habits of the participants. Further assumed that low academic achievers would score higher on teacher aggression, neglect and rejection as compared to high academic achievers. Gender differences in the perceived teacher acceptance -rejection were also assumed. Results indicated significant negative relationship between teacher aggression, neglect, rejection and study habits of the students. Low academic achievers perceived teachers more neglected and aggressive as compared to high achievers. High academic achievers perceived more teacher warmth and less neglect than the low achievers. Gender differences also found in terms of teacher acceptance-rejection, female school students perceived more teacher’s warmth, whereas boys perceived teachers as more controlling than the girls. These findings are helpful to understand the importance of the role of teacher during schooling specifically. Implication of the findings pointed out the importance of teacher trainings at school level specially to make them better able to build strong and positive relationship with students, because it in turn influences the study attitudes and achievement level of students.