Employees from nearly every sector of work are under the influence of stress that ultimately influences negatively on their job satisfaction. This study aims to see the impact of employees' stress on their job satisfaction in private banks working in Punjab particularly in district Multan. The study was conducted using a structured questionnaire. A total of 185 questionnaires were distributed from which 162 questionnaires were responded back. Reliability test was applied to check the reliability of the research instrument. Data analyses were done using SPSS version 17. Correlation analysis and regression analysis were used as statistical techniques for data analysis. The impact of work environment, monetary rewards, workload, decision making authority, and management’s behaviour on job satisfaction was checked. It was concluded that there is a strong negative relationship of work environment, monetary rewards, decision making authority, and management’s behaviour with the job satisfaction. However, positive impact of workload on job satisfaction was also observed. That impact is also supported by some previous studies