Language plays an important role with its variety of techniques in the attainment and sustenance of power. Euphemism is one such way in power related dimensions. The current paper is intended to critically unearth the use of euphemism and dysphemism in safeguarding power. The idea has been explored in the political autobiography titled “In the Line of Fire (2006)” by General Rtd. Pervez Musharraf under the heterogeneous paradigm of critical discourse analysis with its outlook towards politics, power, discrimination, inequality and exploitation. The ideas regarding the showing-off one’s positive face and highlighting others’ negative aspects have been exploited from Teun Van Dijk (1998) named as ideological square. These ideas have further been collaborated with the outlines on euphemistic expressions devised by Thomas et.al., (2004). During the critical analysis of the said discourse, it has been found out that euphemized expressions are used abundantly in implicit and explicit ways as power-shield along with some other objectives. The author has tried really hard to create mild effects of controversial issues related to his thoughts, policies and doings. These euphemistic expressions therefore serve the purpose to shield power and can also be viewed in other political discourse.