
The present study explored the online wedding invitation genre in Pakistan during the covid-19 pandemic. It analyzed the role of socio-cultural religious norms and beliefs in presenting such type of genre with linguistics and non-linguistics features. For this purpose, 120 online wedding cards were collected from Facebook from March, 27 to June 13, 2020. Theoretical and methodological traditions of Bhatia (1993), Miller (1984), and Swales (1990) were used to analyze the data. Grammar of visual design has been used by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) for non-linguistics features. It has been revealed by the genre analysis that there were eight moves e.g. opening, name of parents of bride and groom, a program for wedding, stay home, stay safe, looking forward, and names of the guests. It has been shown by the online wedding invitation cards that people of Pakistan follow the social, cultural, and religious norms when inviting people to their weddings. This study found the social and linguistics implications and enhanced the understanding of online wedding invitation practices during a state of a public health emergency. A comparison of different wedding practices can be done with Muslim society and some other countries like Jordanian wedding practices, Christian, Chinese, and Indian as well which can be used for future recommendations.