Citizens can use social media for the purposes of participation and democracy (Stieglitz, Brockman and Dang-Xuan, 2012). Politicians and political parties need social media as a tool to endorse their repute and create interactive, real-time interaction with their voters and potential supporters and these platforms have also turned out as necessary assets to reinforce their visibility. Social media have made it accessible for the politicians to connect directly to the supporter by not having to go through the profoundly interceded connections that exists by conventional media (Hallahan, Holtzhausen, Van Ruler, Verčič, & Sriramesh, 2007). These mediums if used in a strategic way by the politicians, can help them to cultivate quality relationship with their audience to generate more social capital, which would strengthen democracy. So, it is imperative to study the kind of relations are cultivated between the politicians and the audience. For the said reason, the survey was carried out from 40 members of National Assembly (MNAs) to measure three markers of quality of relationship cultivation including trust, satisfaction and responsiveness. It was revealed in the findings that most of the MNAs were posting the content after verification but they weren’t very much responsive when it comes to share their response on some issue thus undermining the interactive aspect of social media which is its unique trait. Interestingly, they were satisfied with their use of Facebook and Twitter.
Analysis, Quality, Relationship, Politicians, Pakistan, Facebook, Twitter