
Today, we are living in an era of violence and conflicts and many people have forgotten their values and norms that are essential for living peacefully in societies. Peace education is the only way to overcome these problems because it helps to enrich both social as well as cultural values of an individual, and a society as a whole. In order, for peace education to become a steady insertion and curriculum anticipation within schools, teachers must be well trained to reduce conflicts within the society. Therefore, integrating the concept of peace education in teachers’ training institutions is very essential. For this purpose, the study used action research methodology to identify students understanding regarding the concept of peace education in B.Ed. (Hons) program. For this study, students were primary participants, whereas, teachers were secondary participants. The findings from this study revealed that peace education is not included implicitly in the B.Ed. (Hons) curriculum, nor it has been implemented overtly or covertly in the curriculum. Before the intervention, teachers and students did not have prior understanding of peace education. However, after the completion of two cycles, students’ perceptions regarding the concept of peace education has improved.