Harmony among the people in society is not reflected only through their regional affiliation but also through abstract, ideational or conceptual relationship prevailing in the society. Clarity of concepts results into firm beliefs and shun the human behavior from confusion and vacillation. In the present study, the relation of causal connection and meaning was analyzed in the perspective of causal theory of reference. After a comprehensive analysis it was concluded that for unambiguous and prompt transfer of newly developed knowledge (ideas or concepts) causal connection need to be strengthened at appropriate level. In case of delayed transfer due to weak/breakage of causal connection, the purity of information may be distorted and confusion prevailed in the society about the phenomenon to be disseminated. In this regard, efforts may be put in to reduce the communication gap as much as possible among the people of a society. The acceptance of world as a global village among people of different nations all over the world is a big success in this regard.