The study is cross-cultural and finds out the career concepts such as protean career and career success as practiced in the developed economies. A protean career mindset calls for professionals in the ad_x0002_vanced economies looking to switch tasks, departments, and acquire new skills, so as to remain employable. Furthermore, the traditional paternalistic model of career movement by working for one employer during a lifetime is gradually losing its form. However, more developing counties need to be studied so as to figure out the protean career orientation as leading to their career success. The research was conducted with academics working in Pakistan’s private sector universities. The private sector is commercialized and innovative, and thus fits well with the career concepts discussed in the study. The sample was chosen out of a total population of 4,994 academics present within the 35 private sector universities located across the country. Hypothe_x0002_sis was measured and has not been supported in the research finding, as there is a statistically insignificant relationship between the variables with ß = .131, z-value = 1.153 and p>.05. The statistically insignificant relationship shows that the career concepts such as protean career orientation and subjective career success are more akin to “individualistic” styles of management, and less prevalent in “collectivistic” Pakistani culture.