The article examined the relationship among Problematic Mobile Phone (PMP) usage, academic procrastination and academic performance among college students. The terms PMP and academic procrastination both are defined as an excessive usage of mobile phone by ignoring time and all other assignments, and delay in educational assignments and all other academic activities till the deadline respectively. Cross-sectional correlational research design was used for sampling of college students (N= 200) of age 17 to 25 years. PMP questionnaire (Billieux, 2008) and General Procrastination Scale (Lay, 1986) were adopted to collect the data from students. Pearson Product Moment correlation and hierarchical regression analysis was used to analyze data through SPSS. The results revealed that excessive usage of mobile phone is associated with a poorer performance of students in academics. It was found that academic performance is high among male students as compare to female college students. Another finding revealed that academic procrastination and PMP was significantly high among college students studying in annual system and academic performance was significantly high studying in semester system. Moreover, PMP use and academic procrastination in their combined effects did not emerge as significant predictors of academic performance among college students.