The global spread of COVID-19 is the greatest crisis and world_x0002_shattering event of this century. It has spared no one and respected no borders. The fragility of the modern life has been exposed by the pathogen. Every country is faced with its own crisis with localized shortage of health facilities/ expensive private health care system and haphazard primitive approaches to the repression. The circulatory system of globalization has been compromised with the reduced international flow of money, goods and people as the corona virus spreads. The global supply chain between the manufactures and consumers has been disrupted. The whole world and countries are locked down according to their own local variations and no one knows for how long it sustains? The future remains uncertain and the present remains hard and scaryas there is a lot much mutation so far, SARS-CoV-2, making it an endemic. As of February 18, 2021, there are seven vaccines that have been introduced to the world. These are the new tools to tackle the unprecedented crisis and they might prove as a game changer for humanity. This paper aims to write about the future reshaping of the globe. It will discuss how a virus became a threat to not only human security but to the democracy and economic order as well. The paper will analyze how the governments can play their part to mitigate the effects to COVID-19 the political_x0002_economic order will change in the years to come