Stress is a slant that is made when one reacts to particular events. It is the body's strategy for adjusting to current conditions and for wanting to meet a taxing situation with focus, quality, stamina, and inspired preparation. The major objectives of this study were to identify the occupational stress among female teachers, to identify the causes of stress among female teachers, to find out the solution of problems confronted by the working women and compare the impact of occupational stress among married and unmarried working women. The study was based on the population of female school teachers from District Bahawalpur. A group of 300 female teachers (5 teachers from each school) was taken from 60 elementary schools. The researchers used self-developed questionnaire to measure the occupational stress among working women. The reliability of the questionnaires was measured by calculating Cronbach Alpha values. The resultant calculated value was 0.968 that indicates the high reliability of the tool. That data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings of the study indicate that the respondents were of the view that extra-work overload and imbalance of personal and professional work were leading factors that contributed to occupational stress. Therefore, it is suggested that familial and governmental support should be provided since it can reduce stress among working women.