
In the theologians (mutakalmain) views that I‘lem ul kalm (words knowledge) is based on soul existence and still in words. Nuhaat views, kalam are known as speech words of ascendance (jumla mufidah).it is the knowledge that discuss credence through altercation and bestow aggrandizement and in it. I’lem kalm is also known as arch and cardinal (principal) of religion. I’lem kalm deliver and feed argumentative affirmation to religious doctrine and there upon handover a submissive defense faith .through this knowledge the theologians (Mutakalmain) distinguished be standard unfair orthodox and furnish retaliation to the objection made by negligent and whereupon bestow glorification. There were several causes in the commencement of I‘lem ul kalam, some were internal causes and some were external causes. The internal causes were created by commencements of Islam and the natural tendencies of Muslims towards it. Whereas the external causes were created by unfamiliar culture and un-Islamic believes and thinking. In this article we have taken a research analysis of I‘lem ul kalm and its commencement causes.